That’s a wrap on the 2013 Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit!

0 min read

Kimberly Kostachuk

Leah headed a session on “Using Bourbon and Bourbon Neat with Sass” with the help of Steve. She engaged the audience by taking the complexity of assembling a set of standard of mixins and explaining it with simplicity that left even the most inexperienced web designer thirsting for more. And what’s a presentation on “Bourbon” without a couple shots of the real stuff? With a little encouragement from session attendees, Steve dutifully took a shot of the hard stuff every time Leah said “Bourbon!”

Ben's presentation on Search API, Solr, and Views brought in a full house. His session consisted of a hands-on demo during which he implemented Search API with Solr and then configured additional functionality. Ben’s presentation, though targeted to experienced Drupaleers, was straightforward and had the audience sharing laughs in between demonstrations. If you were unable to attend his session, Ben has posted on overview here.

Francis conducted a session demoing our newly launched online collaborative learning platform, built in partner with the Alaska Humanities Forum, to support their Sister School Exchange program. This program pairs K12 schools and classrooms in rural and urban Alaska, allowing for students to connect with one another from a distance. Francis showcased the newest version of the platform, introducing the concept of Learning Paths: a series of tasks that offers learning objectives that teachers can build for students to complete. These objectives can be shared between teachers, giving teachers from remote locations the ability to collaborate on and access other teaching materials. Francis encouraged audience input and received great feedback that will help The Jibe address technical perspectives, creating stronger learning opportunities for students and teachers.

The Jibe would like to thank all of the sponsors, volunteers, presenters, and attendees for helping to make 2013 another successful summit, and thank you to all those who visited our team at The Jibe booth - even just to grab a Steamworks Beer ticket. See you next year!