Reading List - Week of June 10

0 min read

Valentine Maire

Summertime is just around the corner! For some of you it's graduation time and for others, vacation time–lucky you!

Whatever the case may be, summer is always a good time to slow down a bit and enjoy the warm sun while it lasts. Speaking of slowing down, the week is just about over and we're about to transition into the weekend. What better way to start than with some reads we found interesting this week.

Online Chocolate

I LOVE chocolate, and if you're a chocolate loving Vancouverite like me, you probably know who Purdys Chocolatier is. The company keeps innovating in their eCommerce platform and just launched a new digital shopping experience this week. Purdys Chocolatier is now offering a fully integrated omnichannel shopping environment giving their customers a tasty seamless treat.

Customers now have access to interactive content such as videos that provide a glimpse into how the chocolates are made and even a virtual factory tour. No longer is a golden ticket needed to enter into a magical chocolate factory.

Read more about the sweet new experience

Bad Habits

Oh bad habits... They are hard to change, aren't they? The problem is that most of us (including me) don't see the flaws in ourselves that other people do. So how can we fix them? Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic has concocted a little guide to help you. Be patient and don't give up!

Ready to fix your bad habits?

Everybody Loves eCommerce

According to a new study from BigCommerce, 96% of Americans are shopping online and spend an average of five hours per week making online purchases. That is huge! And those stats are just the tip of the iceberg.

Discover more incredible results of the study here

A/B Testing

We talk about A/B testing a lot. It's an important part of gathering educational data in order to understand more about your customer and increase sales, but how does one get there? One way according to Conversion Sciences is by using the Hero's Journey framework. The Hero's Journey is often used as an outline to some of the most popular written works in history.

Ready to go on your own A/B testing journey?

Jack Dorsey & his7 Books

Some might say Jack is a pretty successful guy. I mean, being the CEO and cofounder of both Twitter and Square is kind of an indicator of that, right? Jack shares with us some of the books he says helped him get to where he is today.

Looking for inspirational summer reads? Look no further.

And for all our friends from Canada who are interested in discovering local eCom and tech news and events, join us on eComCan!

Image courtesy of Byelex