Reading List - Week of April 29

0 min read
Valentine Maire
Well, well well, May is (already) around the corner! Time goes so fast! It's time to take a well-deserved break to enjoy a meaningful and relaxing experience. Here is our weekly selection of news. Hope you're going to like it! Feel free to chat with us on our Twitter page or on our Facebook page!
A 3D Printing Pen
Do you love painting, creating and art in general? Are you also interested in 3D? Or just love edgy stuff? Then the LIX pen is just for you! What is it? It's the smallest 3D printing pen ever created. All your projects would come to life with it! Very cool.
Try it: LIX pen.
Mobile App Analytics
Curious about Mobile App Anaytics? To help you to dive into it, here is a guide for beginners. It will teach you how to analyze and how to interpret your data.
Ready for your first class? Let's get crackin'.
Drupal 8 - Drupal Commerce Beta Release
If you're in the eCommerce world and have some interest about open source technology, you have already know about Drupal Commerce, the most popular eCommerce solution for Drupal 7. The beta release for Drupal 8, is expected in a few days from now. We're stoked.
To check the last update here.
Elon Musk's Artificial Intelligence
Ever heard about Tesla and Hyperloop? Well, it seems that Elon Musk is not short of great ideas! What now? Setting artificial intelligence free through the company OpenAI.
Always wanted to learn more about Elon Musk and his AI project? Follow this link.
Twitter Conversions
Every business has a Twitter account now - even us at @thejibe! But is Twitter effective in terms of conversions? Here are some tips to help you to reinforce your brand image on Twitter and engage more with your audience.
Head over here to improve your Twitter presence.
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