Reading List - Week of April 22

0 min read
Valentine Maire
Hooray, it's Friday! What better way to finish up the week than with some news and discoveries? Our weekly reading list is ready for you. Check it out!
Twitter and Your Profile
Always wanted to know what your Twitter profile is saying about you? Now, you can! @AnalyzeWords will reveal your personality by looking at how you use words. Clever, right? I'm pretty sure you're going to check it out in less than 10 seconds!
Ready? Let's try it
Can you image a tube track with pressurized capsules speeding passengers in 30 minutes between San Francisco and Los Angeles? Well, it's a dream coming (soon) true. @HyperloopTech is working on it and is ready to give a demonstration in May.
Willing to "try" it? Prepare yourself here
Mobile Checkout
59% of retailers name mobile as a leading priority in digital business. It's vital and necessary. @Everlane for example, has a press-and-hold feature that allows shoppers to add an item to their cart without navigating any additional pages. Pretty smart, isn't it?
To find more about press-and-hold cart additions, just click here
Content Mistakes
Could you be making one of these 8 content writing mistakes? Don't sweat it, even the pros make them. Learn what they are and how to avoid them. This list breaks it down.
Online Groceries
The online grocer market is thin but it's about to become a battlefield. Peapod, an online grocer currently doing business in 12 states is starting to see some stiff competition from heavyweights Walmart and Amazon. Who will come out on top?
Foodies, read here about the online grocery battle
Image courtesy of Volkan Olmez
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