Infographic: Mobile Messaging a Big Marketing Opportunity

0 min read

Francis Pilon

Wondering what the best method is for mobile marketing? Try SMS. It is the messaging method with the most reach worldwide, with more than three-billion people and six-billion devices. SMS is also the most used tool on smartphones as 90% of texts are read within three minutes.

Shoppers are very comfortable with SMS, and look kindly to companies that use it for customer service. 86% of users are open to mobile engagement, and 77% of millennials have a positive perception of companies that text.

Check out the infographic below from OpenMarket to see the impact of SMS on customer service. Tried and true communication methods still have their benefits, even in a mobile dominated space.

Infographic Tweetables:

"Millennials are 40x more likely to act via text." Tweet this!

"98% of SMS messages are read." Tweet this!

"81% of users are frustrated with phone-based customer service." Tweet this!

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