How to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment [Infographic]

0 min read

Marley Bathe

Online shopping is suppose to be convenient and seamless. A lot of eCommerce platforms are building on this notion, especially the big players such as Amazon.com where you can checkout with one click. Small and mid-sized businesses can easily incorporate this seamless experience into their online stores, with the help of a dedicated eCommerce platform provider.

However, many online stores are still finding that shoppers end up abandoning their virtual shopping carts. This may be because they are denied further steps, surprised by hidden costs, or the website took too long to load. eCommerce sites lose nearly $20 billion because of shopping cart abandonment each year.*

If you’re running an online store, you want to optimize the checkout process as best you can. If you want to convert all of your shoppers into sales: reduce shopping cart abandonment.

SurePayroll has highlighted some easy eCommerce solutions for shopping cart abandonment in their infographic here:

*See SurePayroll's detailed messaging on Why Online Shoppers Leave Without Paying

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