eCommerce Infographics: The Smartphone Evolution

0 min read

Francis Pilon

Since the initial introduction of what many describe to be the first “traditional” smartphone, The Simon in 1993, smartphones have grown into a formidable beast, tearing through industries, reshaping businesses, pummeling all products and services in their paths and ultimately, changing our day-to-day lives.

Today, we see the smartphone as the tool of the future.

In an attempt to get a better understand for the growth of the smartphone market, SMSGlobal put together a smartphone evolution infographic timeline. It focuses on the most influential devices to shape the market, what brands were responsible for the formidable growth, along with a sneak peak into what the future may hold.

Infographic Tweetables:

"The first smartphone was created by IBM and was called Simon." Tweet this!

"HP iPAQ 2210 was the first smartphone developed to use a Windows Mobile Interface." Tweet this!

"Apple's iPhone was the first smartphone to use a multi-touch interface." Tweet this!

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